This is my new blog for my As Media Studies course. On here I will be posting various things such as: video’s, website links, pictures, polls and general posts to help me with my Media Studies course work. On our first lesson Mr Buckmaster showed us how to set up our blog and gave us an outline of tasks we will be completing along the course. He also gave us Media related websites to look at including: his own blog and Pete Fraser’s blog, who does various Media Studies related topics and has previously been a media studies teacher, Both of these blog sites will help me because they are specifically related to my course and will have useful post with information that can contribute to my personal blog. We were also given the OCR website: This is a good website because it will help me revise because I can look up the specification and make sure I am doing all I can to get good marks. He also gave us two useful websites that will help with our blogging. These we’re This has a media studies section and I will therefore benefit from reading the latest media news and is a website that has a number of opening sequences from different films, this will help me when I come to filming my own opening scene and will also help me blog. I have not studied Media before but chose to do it as an A-level because I thought it would be interesting and fun. I was also attracted towards Media Studies after taking part in a friend’s video documentary 2 years ago, the skills and tasks involved in making her video seemed enjoyable, thus making the subject appeal to me.
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