Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Introduction to Media

With Miss Griffiths we are learning exam based stuff and doing work on TV dramas to prepare us for our exam. In our first lesson we learnt the basics of media and what it is: the different channels you use to communicate information in the everyday life. We also looked at different types of medium and the uses of the internet.

Finally we discussed our current favourite types of media and why we liked them:

TV programme - Rules of Engagement - it's funny
Film - Aquamarine - it's a feel good film
Magazine - Heat - you get all the celebrity gossip
Radio - Heart - it has all the old classics
Advert - Boots - it's funny
Pop Song - Fun, What do I stand for - it's a upbeat and catchy song
Newspaper - Daily Mirror - it has good stories and it's not political
Internet - Twitter/Facebook - it can keep you social and see what people are up to

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