Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Voice Over

In our group we decided to include a voice over of the two protagonist characters talking whilst having the soundtrack playing quietly in the background.

We based Lily's dialogue (the female protagonist) on a Greek myth we found about what they thought about love in ancient times:
“Once upon a time, when gods and people existed together, people had four arms and four legs. They had two heads and two faces. They existed happily as they were, and grew more powerful as time went on. The gods decided that the humans were getting too powerful and needed to be put back into place somehow, so they cut the humans in half. Each human now had only two arms, two legs, one head, and one face. They had to spend the rest of their lives searching for their other half to make themselves whole again. It became the point of life."
We felt that the quote from 'Plato's Symposium' was powerful enough so we only added one word to the beginning on if; love.

For Joe's voice over (the male protagonist) we felt he should talk about love less romantically and view it more sceptically. Joe's script was harder to write; we started by asking the opinion of boy's in our class and what their ideas on love were. This is what we produced fro, the feedback and some research on the internet.
"What is Love? Does it really exist? Love is said to be an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment. It’s said to be a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection—the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another. I believe everyone has a soul mate somewhere, but not everyone is destined to find theirs."

Editing Stage

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Filming Scene 1 - Male

Filming Scene 1 - Female

Split Screen pactise

In Class we decided to practise doing a split screen before we started shooting our main scene, this meant we could overcome any initial issues now rather than wasting time struggling when it came to editing our actual scene. It also means we can be more efficient in our editing stage.We decided to do the split screen using coffee because we were doing the task for technique practise and not to see what it looks like as a final product.

Below is our edit if the split screen practise: